On this page, unidentified postal markings will be posted to solicit information. Please
send me any marks you would like to have included here and I will have them posted. If
you can offer information to help identify any of the marks posted, please send an
E-mail (scott312@earthlink.net) to Scott31.
Here are some Mysteries:
Is this "R" on Scott No. 30a for registered mail? Where was it used?
What is this? A skinny cat with curled tail and big ears looking at a football?
This looks like a petroglyph to me. Can anyone tell? It also seems to have been
stamped on the back and then bled through the paper. Perhaps an owners mark? If so, it
should be retired in favor of something non-destructive.
Burns listed this mark as "Unclassified" and then deleted it. Does anyone know the
history? Is this mark from the Territorial Period? Is it bogus? It resembles the San
Francisco double ovals used on loose letters.
Are these the initials of somebody or some thing?
What do these initials on a Scott No. 50S mean? Are they a reference to something? Are
they an attempt to create a bogus cancel?
Mystery mark update:
Thanks to Jeremy Uota, the mark shown above as the Unclassified postmark by Burns turns
out to be a territorial postmark. This strike on Scott No. 60 is somebody's notion of
fun and games.
Here are more mystery marks. Who can help?
The manuscript appears to read:
M. L. R.
A date of 11Oct90 straightline is in the center.
Are these initials?
These initals look like "ELC" but whose are they?
Not much to work with here.
Here is an interesting grid. Is it Hawaiian?
Another initial?
Is this Hamakuapoko straightline a territorial cancel?
Send your mysteries to be posted. Let me know if you can shed light on any mysteries.
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