This page last updated: 17 June 2008


Please send me an E-mail ( with your question - only one question per e-mail. I will (unless you ask me not to do it) include your e-mail address when I post the question but if you want me to include your name with the question, please tell me.

When I post your question, I will also give an answer if I can - I may ask others to give their input. If your question is too tough, I will post the question and invite responses from anyone who can contribute. If in my opinion the question should not be posted, I will let you know. Thanks for participating. Scott 31

Q: Jim Luetje writes:

I have a reduced cover (actually the right half of a small cover) addressed to C. C. Coleman, Honolulu, and franked with a #35. The stamp is cancelled with an MH #116. There is a complete free strike of the Honolulu 235.32 in black dated Apr 11, 1881. You don't mention the use of this post mark for domestic mail and don't list a black color. Do I have a new marking?

235_32 11Apr81 black 300

Scott 31 adds:

This strike is remarkable. Under higher magnification, there are traces of red or magenta ink, but the mark is mostly black, a previously unrecorded color, used on domestic mail. Does anyone know a reason why black should not be listed for this mark?

Q: Some postmasters in country offices used their own initials as marks to cancel stamps. Here is one example. Can anyone identify it?

Scott 31 used

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